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2 Kings 21-23

Last time we considered together the reign of Manasseh, his evil reign, his discipline, his repentance and restoration. This week we will consider Kings Amon & start Josiah. In preparation for the time please read 2 Kings 21:19-26, 2 Kings 22:1 to 23:30; 2 Chronicles 33:21-25 & 2 Chronicles 34-35. Also note that during the reign of Josiah the prophets Jeremiah ,Zephaniah and possibly Habakkuk enter the picture.

King Amon (2 Kings 19-26 & 2 Chronicles 33:21-25)

  1. Was Amon a "chip off the old block?"
  2. Was there any difference between Amon and his father?
  3. How was Amon killed & what happened to those who killed him?
  4. Who made Josiah king and had this been done before? (2 K. 14:21 & 2 C. 26:1)

Josiah becomes king and starts to cleanse the land (2 K. 22:1-2 & 2 C. 34:1-7)

  1. How old was Josiah when he became king?
    a. Who was his mother, what tribe was she from and what does her name mean?
    b. How did the Lord's commendation of Josiah differ from the other kings who had been commended?
    c. What does it mean in 2 C. 34:2 "he did not turn aside to the right or the left"?
  2. How old was he when he began to seek the Lord and then cleanse Judah? (2 C. 34:3)
  3. What & where were some of Josiah's early reforms?
    a. What did Josiah do with the idols & their altars that others before him had not done? (2 C. 34:4-7)
         i. Why would he do this?
  4. What year of his reign did Jeremiah start speaking the word of the Lord to him? (Jer. 25:3)
    a. What was Jeremiah's message as described in Jer. 25:4-11
    b. How does Jeremiah describe the condition of Judah during Josiah's time in Jer. 3:6-25?

Repairing the temple & discovering of the Book of the Law (2 K. 22:3-13 & 2 C. 34:8-21)

  1. How old was Josiah when he started having the temple repaired?
  2. Note for future reference the name Shaphan, the scribe. One of his sons, Ahikam (2 K. 22:12), goes with others to the prophetess Huldah. Later his sons serve with, protect & help Jeremiah from King Jehoiakim. This is a very godly family
  3. Where did the funds come from for the repair of the temple? (2 K. 22:4 & 2 C.34:8)
  4. How was the work of the men described?  (2 K. 22:7 & 2 C.34:12)
  5. Who found the book of the law of the Lord? (2 K. 22:8 & 2 C. 34:15)
  6. What was Josiah's reaction when he read the book of the law of Moses? (2 K.22:11-13 & 2 C.19-21)
    a. Why was Josiah humbled when he heard the Word?

Huldah the Prophetess (2 K. 22:14-23:3 & 2 C. 34:22-33)

  1. Who was Huldah?
    a. Any thoughts on why Josiah did not seek out Jeremiah or Zephaniah?
  2. Huldah 1st says, "Tell the man who sent you". What does she say will happen to Judah & why? (2 K. 22:15-17 & 2 C. 34:23-25)
  3. Then she says, "But to the King say". What does she say to Josiah & why? (2 K. 22:18-20 & 2 C. 26-28)
    a. Any thoughts on why the 1st time she called Josiah the man and the next time the king?
  4. How does Josiah respond? (2 K. 23:1-3 & 2 C. 34:29-33)
    a. How was this in contrast to the way Hezekiah responded when Isaiah told him a similar thing? (2 K. 20:16-19)
    b. Do you think the people's hearts were as convicted as Josiah's or were they just following him outwardly? (2 C. 34:31)
  5. Note: in 2 C. 34:33 Josiah's major reforms mentioned here are detailed in 2 K. 23:4-20 which we can consider next time


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