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Showing posts from June, 2021

2 Kings 23 - Part 2

Last time we considered together the later part of the reign of Josiah. In preparation for this time please read 2 Kings 23:29-25:30, & 2 Chronicles 36. Also note that during this time the prophets Jeremiah & Ezekiel were active. NOTE: This will conclude our study of Kings. We will pause during the rest of July & August and start back the Bible Study in September. We will then study Ezra, Nehemiah, and the related prophecies of Haggai, Zechariah & Malachi. During our study we will also see how the Lord spoke to ones in exile though Daniel & Ezekiel, as well as in Esther. King Jehoahaz (2 Kings 23: 29-34 & 2 Chronicles 36:1-3) How long did he reign & what happened to him (Jer. 22:10-12)  Who was the actual ruler of Judah? King Jehoiakim (2 Kings 23:34-24:7 & 2 Chronicles 36:4-8) Who made him king, who changed his name & why was his and others name's changed? What happened when he rebelled against the king of Babylon? a. In reality who sent the va

2 Kings 23

Questions for the Kings Bible Study 2 Chronicles 35:1-19 How was this Passover different from that called by Hezekiah in 2 Chronicles 30? In what ways was it the same? What made this Passover like none other since the time of the Judges (Samuel) 2 Chronicles 35: 20-26 and 2 Kings 23:28-30 How many years had passed between verses 19 and 20 in 2 Chronicles 35? What was Pharaoh Neto doing in the region of Judaea? Why do you think Josiah refused the Pharaoh's request? What was the result? 2 Kings 23:24-27 How does the writer of Kings sum up King Josiah? Why do you think he followed that with verses 26-27?

2 Kings 21-23

Last time we considered together the reign of Manasseh, his evil reign, his discipline, his repentance and restoration. This week we will consider Kings Amon & start Josiah. In preparation for the time please read 2 Kings 21:19-26, 2 Kings 22:1 to 23:30; 2 Chronicles 33:21-25 & 2 Chronicles 34-35 . Also note that during the reign of Josiah the prophets Jeremiah ,Zephaniah and possibly Habakkuk enter the picture. King Amon (2 Kings 19-26 & 2 Chronicles 33:21-25) Was Amon a "chip off the old block?" Was there any difference between Amon and his father? How was Amon killed & what happened to those who killed him? Who made Josiah king and had this been done before? (2 K. 14:21 & 2 C. 26:1) Josiah becomes king and starts to cleanse the land (2 K. 22:1-2 & 2 C. 34:1-7) How old was Josiah when he became king? a. Who was his mother, what tribe was she from and what does her name mean? b. How did the Lord's commendation of Josiah differ from the other kings