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Showing posts from March, 2021

2 Chronicles 29-31

 Dear brothers and sisters, In the next two Bible studies we will be studying the reign of King Hezekiah. This week you will need to read 2 Chronicles 29, 30, and 31. Yes, three chapters. Chapter 29 covers the cleansing of the temple. Chapter 30 covers the restoring of the Passover. Chapter 31 covers other reforms under King Hezekiah. We will not read all the verses during our time on Friday night, but shall read them all in preparing for that time. Here are some questions to help as you read: Chapter 29 (V. 3-9) How far into King Hezekiah's reign did he begin the work on the temple? What was the condition of the temple? Why was it in that condition? (For the second part of #2 you will need to review the rule of His father King Ahaz in 2 Chronicles 28 and 2 Kings 16- yes, more reading Bible scholars! ) Who was commissioned to do this work? What was their condition at this time? What had happened to the worship of Jehovah at that time? What happened to the people of Judah as a resul

2 Kings 17

This week we will consider 2 Kings 17. In this chapter we see the last king of Israel (northern kingdom), Hoshea and the defeat and captivity of Israel. We have seen God's great mercy and patience to Israel but now the time of judgment has come. The last king of Israel was Hoshea. In 2 Kings 15:30 he killed Pekah to become king. He reigned for 9 years. In the 6th year of King Hezekiah of Judah he was led away captive to Assyria (2 Kings 18:10-11). Also the prophet Hosea ended his ministry during the reign of Hoshea. 2 Kings 17:1-6 The reign of Hoshea How was he described differently than the other kings of Israel? (vs. 2) Describe God's last loving cry to Israel to return to Him and their response. (2 Chronicles 30) Why did the king of Assyria finally invade Israel? (vs. 3-5) Where were the people of Israel taken into captivity? (vs. 6) a. Note: not all were taken into captivity, some of the poor were left in Israel. How long was it since the northern kingdom was formed until i