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2 Kings 14

We will consider the reign of King Amaziah of Judah in 2 Kings 14 and 2 Chronicles 25 this week. We will also consider King Jeroboam II of Israel in 2 Kings 14. In the last 2 studies saw the deaths of King Joash of Judah and Jehoash of Israel. Now we come to their successors. 

The questions below will assist us in our preparation which will then allow us to spend more time in fellowship about the lessons and applications gleaned from these chapters.

King Amaziah (2 Kings 14:1-20 & 2 Chronicles 25:1-28)

1. Amaziah's early years (2 Kings 14:1-6 & 2 Chronicles 25:1-4)

    a. What was the Lord's assessment of Amaziah and how is this similar to his father, Joash? (2 K 14:3 & 2 C 25:2)

    b. What is the evidence that Amaziah didn't follow the Lord with a whole heart? (2 K 14: 4)

    c. How did Amaziah demonstrate his knowledge of the Mosaic law? (2 K 14: 5-6 & 2 C 25:3-4; Deuteronomy 24:16)

We see King Amaziah's decline in 3 stages: Unbelief, Idolatry & Pride

1. Amaziah's Unbelief (2 K 14:7 & 2 C 25:5-13)

    a. How did Amaziah demonstrate his unbelief in the Lord? (2 C 25:5-6)

    b. Why did the prophet rebuke Amaziah? (2 C 25:7-8)

    c. How did Amaziah respond to the prophet? (2 C 25:9-10)

    d. How did the people of Judah suffer for Amaziah's reliance upon Israel? (2 C 25:10 & 13)

    e. What lessons can we learn about making a decision before consulting the Lord?

2. Amaziah's Idolatry (2 C 25:14-16)

    a. Describe Amaziah's actions with the idols of Edom? Why would he take them? (2 C 25:14)

    b. How did Amaziah respond to this prophet differently than the previous prophet? (2 C 25:15-16)

    c. How were the words of this prophet fulfilled? (2 C 25:16 & 27)

3. Amaziah's Pride (2 K 14:8-14 & 2 C 25:17-24)

    a. Describe the actions of Amaziah in his challenge to Jehoash of Israel. (2 C 25:17-19; also see Judges 9:7-15)

    b. Amaziah took credit for the victory over Edom and didn't acknowledge it was of the Lord.

        i. When the Lord gives one success or victory how can one avoid the trap of pride? (Proverbs 16:18 & 18:12)

    c. Who gave Israel the victory as judgment upon Amaziah? (2 C 25:20)

4. Describe Amaziah's death and some of the ways we saw God's mercy in his life and also God's judgment.

King Jeroboam II (2 Kings 14:23-29)

Under Jeroboam II Israel experienced a prosperity it had not had since Solomon. Israel had great economic prosperity but sadly great spiritual apostasy. Because of the Assyrian victories over Syria, both Israel and Judah (Uzziah 2 Kings 15) were relieved of the bondage of their old enemy and prospered by the mercies of the Lord.

1. What was the basis for the Lord allowing Israel to gain these victories? (2 K 14:26-27). 

2. Contrast the response of Israel to Jonah's prophecy to the response people of Nineveh. (Jonah 3:5-10)

3. Amos, from Judah, and then Hosea prophesied during the reign of Jeroboam II. Both prophesied of Israel's sins and pending judgment if there was no repentance. God used them in a similar way but with contrasting styles. Amos prophesied of the severity of God while Hosea prophesied of the loving kindness of God, trying to woo them back.

   a. From Amos, point out some passages of God warning Israel of their sins. (consider Amos 6-7)

   b. Amos is a book of God's pending judgement on Israel, but is there also hope? (Amos 5:1-15 & 9:11-15)

   c. For Hosea, point out some passages that speak of God's love for Israel (ex: Hosea 11:1-4)

4. What does this section on Jeroboam say to us about God's mercy, love and judgment?


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