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2 Kings 12

We will consider the reign of King Joash found in 2 Kings 12 and 2 Chronicles 24 this week. During the study we will use 2 Chronicles 24 as the basis for our study but we will bring in points from 2 Kings 12 for clarification.

Last time we saw Joash was made King when he was 7 years old and how Jehoiada & his wife saved him from being murdered by his grandmother Athaliah. Jehu is still the king of the northern kingdom of Israel.

The following detailed questions will assist us in our preparation which will then allow us to spend more time in fellowship about the lessons and applications gleaned from these chapters.

1. 2 Chr 24:2 "Joash did what was right in the sight of the Lord all the days of Jehoida the priest."

  • In vs.1 his mother's name is mentioned. What do we know about her and why do you think she is mentioned?
  • Explain the relationship between Joash and Jehoida 
  • What are the benefits of having a good mentor? Give some examples from scripture. 

2. Joash sets his heart to repair the temple (2 Kings 12:4-16 & 2 Chronicles 24:4-14) 

  • Why had it fallen into disrepair? Who had been responsible for much of the damage? (2 Chr 24:7)
  • Why were the priests & Levites slow to respond to rebuilding it? (2 Chr 24:5)
  • What changes were made in the way the offerings were received? Why was this necessary? (2 Chr 24:8-9)
  • 2 Chr 24:10 says: All rejoiced & brought in their levies & dropped them in the chest until it was finished.
    • i. What motivated the people to  rejoice & give so generously to the rebuilding project?
  • Describe the character of the workmen and all the work they did on the temple. (2 Chr 24:12-14; 2 Kings 12:15)

3. Jehoida lived to the age of 130 (2 Chronicles 24:15-16)

  • How does this speak of the grace and love of God for His people?
  • What does the place where he was buried speak of his reputation?  (2 Chr 24:16)
  • What Kings of Judah had Jehoida lived under and how might they have impacted his life?

4. After Jehoiada died Joash turned from the Lord to paganism.(2 Chronicles 24:17-18)

  • Why do you think Joash turned?
  • What did ones do to influence this turn? (2 Chr 24:17)

5. After Joash turned from the Lord, how do we see God trying to woo him back? (2 Chronicles 24:19-20)

  • How could Joash have Jehoiada's son murdered? (2 Chr. 24:21-22)
    • Why or why not is this the Zechariah mentioned in Matthew 23:35 & Luke 11:51?
    • How were Zechariah's last words fulfilled? (2 Chr 24:24)
  • What does this action speak of Joash's true character?
  • What is at the root of an ungrateful spirit?

6. Describe the Syrian invasions of Judah and Joash's death (2 Kings 12:17-21 & 2 Chronicles 24:23-27)

  • What did Joash do to try to stop the 1st invasion? (2 Kings 12:18)
  • How did God use the later invasion as judgement? (2 Chr 24:24)
    • What happened to the ones that influenced Joash in the wrong way? (2 Chr 24:23)
  • How did Joash die and why? (2 Chr 24:25)
  • What does the place where he was buried say of his reputation? (2 Chr 24:25)

Extra Study: Some say the prophet Joel prophesied during the reign of Joash. Look at the prophet Joel and share your thoughts on this. One good resource is Stephen Kaung's thoughts on Joel in "God Has Spoken".


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