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Showing posts from December, 2020

2 Kings 12

We will consider the reign of King Joash found in 2 Kings 12 and 2 Chronicles 24 this week. During the study we will use 2 Chronicles 24 as the basis for our study but we will bring in points from 2 Kings 12 for clarification. Last time we saw Joash was made King when he was 7 years old and how Jehoiada & his wife saved him from being murdered by his grandmother Athaliah. Jehu is still the king of the northern kingdom of Israel. The following detailed questions will assist us in our preparation which will then allow us to spend more time in fellowship about the lessons and applications gleaned from these chapters. 1. 2 Chr 24:2 "Joash did what was right in the sight of the Lord all the days of Jehoida the priest." In vs.1 his mother's name is mentioned. What do we know about her and why do you think she is mentioned? Explain the relationship between Joash and Jehoida  What are the benefits of having a good mentor? Give some examples from scripture.  2. Joash sets his

2 Kings 11

We will be covering 2 Kings 11 which goes along with 2 Chronicles 22: 10- chapter 23. It might be a good idea to have two Bibles with you, one opened to 2 Kings and one to 2 Chronicles. Here are some questions to help your looking at the passages we will be covering? What really is at stake in these chapters is God's promise to David. The continuing of his line and the bringing in of Messiah is in jeopardy. 'How has it come to be in jeopardy? What effect did the actions of Jehu have on the nation of Judah? Looking at 2 Kings 11 (since there are less names) who are the major actors and what is the importance of each to the story at hand? In 2 Chronicles 23:3, What does it mean that Jehoiada "strengthened himself." What groups were instrumental in bringing Josh to the throne in Judah? Is that important? Explain. What is the "Testimony" given to King Joash? How was the destruction of the House of Baal different here than the destruction of it by Jehu in the 2 K

2 Kings 10 (Continuation)

Here are the ones from 2 Kings chapter 10. I may have changed, added or deleted some from last time. Review What was Jehu commissioned to do by the prophet in chapter 9? What had been accomplished in chapter 9? Chapter 10 How did Jehu use their actions to strengthen himself? Who are the Rechabites? What do you know about Jehonadab (Jonadab in some places) You may have to dig for this one. How did Jehu deal with the Baal cult? Jehu talked about his zeal for Jehovah. How far did that zeal go? Summary  Last time a number of you brought up Hosea 1:4. Did Jehu go beyond what he was commissioned to do by the Prophet? Explain. How should we remember Jehu?  What has the Lord shown us about Himself and about his people in this chapter?