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2 Kings 6

 This Friday night at 7:30 we will continue our study by considering 2 Kings 6 on Zoom. Below are some questions to help all of us prepare for the time.

We can divide 2 Kings 6 into 3 sections:

1. The Axe Head Recovered (Vs. 1-7)

While no one can be for certain, many commentators believe this story follows 2 Kings 4:44. The story itself is pretty straight forward but it is included for a purpose and our instruction. What do you believe is the lesson we can see and learn from this story?

2. The Plot to Capture Elisha (Vs. 8-23)

A.. Who is the king of Aram (Syria) and what problem is he faced with trying to implement his battle plans?

B. In light of Elisha warning the King of Israel about Aram's plans, how do we see the "blindness" of the King of Aram in his attempt to capture Elisha?

C. What is the significance of Elisha's prayer for his servant? How does this type of prayer apply to us today?

D. When the army came down to capture Elisha what did he do?

Are there other times in the Old Testament where the Lord blinded ones to protect His people?

What do you think of the King of Israel's reaction when the army of Aram was brought to him as prisoners?

3. The Siege of Samaria (Vs. 24-33)

A. How is the condition of the people in Samaria during the siege a picture of the spiritual condition of the people of Israel?

B. Contrast the statements by the King of Israel about Elisha in vs. 21 & 31. Elaborate

C. What was the real reason for the famine & siege? Do you think the King of Israel knew the reason for the siege and famine?


What are several examples in this chapter of how we see the Lord's love and mercy for His people in the northern kingdom of Israel?


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