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2 Chronicles 19-20

We will continue our study by finishing our consideration of the life of King Jehoshaphat. The life of Jehoshaphat is primarily recorded in 2 Chronicles 17-20. Parts of his life are also recorded in 1 Kings 22 and 2 Kings 3, which we have already studied. This Friday night we will consider 2 Chronicles 19-20.

Please consider the following questions in your preparation. Remember we're not only desiring to learn history but also to see the application in our lives of lessons gleaned from our study.

2 Chronicles 19

  1. Vs. 1-3: Jehoshaphat is rebuked by the prophet Jehu for his wrongful alliance with the kings of Israel. Compare how Jehoshaphat responded to that of his father Asa when he was rebuked by a prophet in 2 Chronicles 16:7-10. Why is Jehu the prophet to be particularly commended for his actions? What lessons can we learn for our lives from these interactions?
  2. Vs. 4-11: Jehoshaphat brings the people back to the Lord and institutes various reforms by appointing judges. Share about some of the instructions that he gives to the judges on how they are to carry out their responsibilities. How do these instructions speak to us in our lives as we seek to serve Him and be faithful to His testimony?

2 Chronicles 20

  1. Vs. 1-4: Judah is invaded by a great multitude. Who are the Meunites? How did Jehoshaphat respond? What can we learn from him when we are 'invaded" by an overpowering enemy not just in the assembly life but in our personal life as well?
  2. Vs. 5-13: Jehoshaphat prays to God. Where are they gathered together? What are some of the key features and characteristics of his prayer? Share your impression and what we can learn from vs. 12. What is the significance of them gathering together with their infants, wives and children in vs. 13?
  3. Vs. 14-19: The Lord answers their prayer. Share some of the specific ways the Lord answered and how they encouraged you. How is this helpful to us in the days in which we are living?
  4. Vs. 20-30: The Lord wins a great victory and Judah returns to Jerusalem. What did the ones of Judah do in this battle? How did the Lord destroy the enemy? What was Judah's attitude and response after the victory? When they returned to Jerusalem, where did they go first? What can we learn from this when we experience the Lord's victory in our lives?
  5. Vs. 31-37: What was the Lord's testimony of Jehoshaphat? Describe the fatal alliance he had with Ahaziah, King of Israel and it's lesson for us. Chronologically when does this occur in Jehoshaphat's life?
  6. Share your overall impressions from Jehoshaphat's life and some of the lessons we can learn from both his faithfulness and unfaithfulness.


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