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Showing posts from June, 2020

1 Kings 22

There are 4 persons who play roles in this chapter; Ahab, Jehoshaphat, Zedekiah and the prophets, and Macaiah- each should be considered for the things they did or said. Also, a parallel reading for this chapter is 2 Chronicles 18. Questions to consider for 1 Kings 22 What is the relationship between Ahab and Jehoshaphat? Who are the 400 prophets of Ahab? What is it that Ahab wants and why does he want it? Who is Micaiah? Have we seen him before (explain)? How is he different than the 400 prophets of Ahab? What are Jehoshaphat's actions in this chapter? What are the strategies of the Syrians and of Ahab? What is the outcome of the battle? What is the legacy of Ahab? What does 2 Chronicles 18 add to our understanding of 1 Kings 22? Things to think about What does this chapter tell us about Ahab? Consider some of the things that happened at the end of Chapter 21. What does this tell us about Jehoshaphat? What can we learn from him in this chapter? What is/are the difference(s) betwee

1 Kings 21

We will take a look at 1 Kings 21. Questions to consider Vs. 1-4: Ahab covets Naboth's vineyard Why would Naboth not give his vineyard to Ahab? (site scriptural basis) How are we in this day tempted to give away or compromise our inheritance? Vs. 5-16: Jezebel's plot and murder of Naboth Describe Jezebel's actions in these verses. What does it also say of the leaders of the city? Considering who Jezebel is, what is unusual about the charge she has brought against Naboth? Was anyone else stoned to death besides Naboth? If so, who/why? Vs. 17-29: Elijah confronts Naboth What was the basis on which Elijah went to confront Ahab? What was Elijah's message to Ahab? Was it only for Ahab or did it include others? Vs. 20: What does it mean "you sold yourself to do evil in the sight of the Lord"? Share your thoughts on Ahab's repentance and God's reaction.