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Showing posts from March, 2020

King Asa

Powerpoint link 1 Kings Bible Study of King Asa. Below are some questions to assist us in preparation for the study. One thing to note, even though Asa is briefly mentioned in 1 Kings 15, a fuller picture of his life is given us in 2 Chronicles 14-16. Therefore the questions will be from those chapters. As always, please have your own questions ready to ask the group during the study. Recommend reading: 1 Kings 15:8-22 & 2 Chronicles 14-16 General: Asa reigned as king over Judah for 41 years. How many and who were the kings over Israel during this time? 2 Chronicles 14 Vs. 2 says Asa did what was good and right in the sight of the Lord. What were some of things he did to receive such a commendation? What spiritual lesson can we learn from Asa when during a time of peace he fortified the cities and strengthened the armies of Judah? Describe what occurred when Judah was invaded by an Ethiopian army, much stronger and greater than they were? Vs. 11: Mediate on this verse and share you


  Our next study read: I Kings 15:1-7 and 2 Chronicles 13:1-20. Abijam/ Abijah King of Judah 1 Kings 15:25-16:34 Madam, Baasha, Zimri, Omri Kings of Israel and the beginnings of Ahab.